She Stands Accused


  Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury
  Alem-Rousseau, Maitre; on arsenic
  Amos (Great Oyer of Poisoning)
  Ansell, Mary
  Aqua fortis—see Poisons
  Armstrong, poisoner
  Arsenic—see Poisons
  Artois, Comte d'—see Charles X
  Aumale, Duc d'

  Bacon, Sir Francis
  Balfour, Rev. James
  Ballet, Auguste
  Barruel, Dr.
  Barry, Philip Beaufroy
  Berry, Duchesse de
  Bidard, Professor; evidence against Helene Jegado
  Black, Mrs (Armagh)
  Blandy, Mary
  Bordeaux, Duc de
  Bordot, Dr.
  Borgia, Cesare
  Borgia, Lucretia
  Borgia, Rodrigo, Pope Alexander VI
  Borrow, George
  Boubee, Dr.
  Boudin, Dr.
  Bourbon, Louis-Henri-Joseph, Duc de, afterwards Prince de Conde
  Bourbon, Louise-Marie-Therese-Mathilde d'Orleans, Duchesse de
  Boursier, Veuve; case compared with Veuve Lacoste's
  Bouton, Dr.
  Briant, Abbe
  Brock, Alan
  Broe, M. de, Avocat-General
  Brownrigg, Elizabeth
  Bruce, Rev. Robert
  Burke and Hare
  Burning at the stake

  Canteloup, Maitre
  Cantharides—see Poisons
  Carew, Edith Mary
  Carr, Robert
  Cassagnol, M., Procureur du Roi, Auch
  Castaing, poisoner
  Cecil, Robert, Lord Salisbury
  Chabannes de la Palice, Marquise de
  Charles X, King of France; flight from France
  Coke, Sir Edward, Lord Chief Justice
  Conde, Louis-Henri-Joseph, Prince de—see Bourbon, Duc de Conde,
  Louis-Joseph, Prince de
  Cotton, Mary Ann
  Couture, Maitre; speech in defence of Mme Boursier
  Cream, Neill
  "Curtin, Philip"

  Dawes, James, made Baron de Flassans
  Dawes, Sophie,
  Devergie, M., chemist
  Diamond powder—see Poisons
  Diblanc, Marguerite
  Dilnot, George
  Donnoderie, M., Assize President, Auch
  Dorange, Maitre; defence of Helene Jegado
  Dubois, Dr, his account of the Prince de Conde's death
  Dunnipace, Laird of—see Livingstone, John
  Dyer, Amelia

  "Egalite"—see Orleans, Louis-Philippe
  Elwes, Sir Gervase
  Enghien, Duc d'
  Essex, Countess of—see Howard, Frances
  Essex, Robert Devereux, third Earl of

  Farnese, Julia
  Feucheres, Adrien-Victor, Baron de; marriage with Sophie Dawes;
  Feucheres, Baronne de—see Dawes, Sophie
  Flanagan, Mrs. poisoner
  Flandin, M., chemist
  Flassans, Baronde—see Dawes, James
  Fly-papers, for arsenic
  Forman, Dr
  "Fowler's solution"
  Franklin, apothecary

  Gardy, Dr
  Gendrin, Dr
  Gibbon, Edward
  Gowrie mystery
  Gribble, Leonard R.
  Gunness, Belle

  Hardouin, M., Assize President, Seine
  Harris, Miss
  Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James VI and I
  Higgins, Mrs, poisoner
  Hogarth, William
  Holroyd, Susannah, poisoner
  Howard family
  Howard, Frances, Countess of
  Essex, Countess of Somerset; early marriage; attracted to Robert
  Carr; begs Essex to agree to annul marriage; administers poison to
  husband; annulment petition presented; nullity suit succeeds;
  enmity to Overbury inexplicable; arrest and trial; death; portrait
  Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk

  Jack the Ripper
  James VI and I, cruelty and inclemency of; double dealing
  of; share in Overbury's murder
  Jegado, Helene
  Jesse, Tennyson
  Jones, Inigo

  Kent, Edward Augustus, Duke of
  Kincaid, John, Laird of Warriston
  Kipling, Rudyard
  Kostolo (the Boursier case)

  Lacenaire, murderer and robber, his verses against King Louis-
  Lacoste, Henri
  Lacoste, Veuve
  Lacroix, Abbe Pelier de, his evidence re death of Prince de Conde
  Lafarge, Marie-Fortunee
  Lambot, aide-de-camp to last Prince de Conde
  Lapis costitus—see Poisons
  Lavaillaut, Mme
  Lecomte, valet to last Prince de Conde
  Lesieur, chemist
  Lidange, chemist
  Linden, Mme van der
  Livingstone, or Kincaid, Jean
  Livingstone, John, of Dunipace
  Logan, Guy
  Lombroso, Cesare
  Loubel, apothecary

  MACE, PERROTTE (Jegado victim)
  "Maiden," the
  Mainwaring, Sir Arthur
  Malcolm, Sarah; portraits of
  Malgutti, Professor, his evidence re arsenic in Jegado trial
  Manoury, valet to last Prince de Conde
  "Marsh technique," arsenic
  Maybrick, Mrs, poisoner
  Mayerne, Sir Theodore
  Meilhan, Joseph
  Mercury—see Poisons
  Moinet, Paul
  Molas, Dr, arsenic theory
  Monson, Sir Thomas
  Montagu, Violette
  Murdo, Janet
  'Mute of malice,'

  Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of
  Norwood, Mary

  O'Donnell, Elliot
  Orfila, Professor; change of opinions re arsenic; intervention in
  Lafarge case
  Orleans, Louis-Philippe, Duc d', (King of the French); bourgeois
  traits of; elected King
  Orleans, Louis-Philippe ("Egalite"), Duc d'
  Orleans, Louise-Marie-Therese-Mathilde d'—see Bourbon, Louise-
  Marie-Therese-Mathilde d'Orleans, Duchesse de
  Overbury, Sir Thomas

  Parry, Judge A. E.
  Partra, Dr
  Pasquier, M.
  Paul III, Pope
  Pearcy, Mrs, murderess
  Pearson, Sarah
  Pelouze, chemist
  Perrin, Maitre Theo.
  Phosphorus—see Poisons
  Piddington, Rev. Mr.
  Pinault, Dr. of Rennes
  Pitcairn's trials
  Pitois, Dr. his estimate of character of Helene Jegado
  Poisons: aqua fortis; arsenic (from fly-papers),(white),(from a
  vermicide); cantharides; diamond powder; great spiders; lapis
  costitus; mercury (metallic),(corrosive sublimate); phosphorus;
  porridge; "rosalgar"; strychnine
  Poisons, reasons murderesses are inclined to use
  Pons, chemist
  Porridge, poisoning—see Poisons
  Porta, Guglielmo della
  Pritchard, Dr, poisoner

  Rachel, MME
  Rais, Gilles de
  Rochester, Viscount—see Carr, Robert
  Rohan, the Princes de, their lawsuit v. Sophie Dawes
  "Rosalgar"—see Poisons
  Roughead, William
  Row, breaking on—see Wheel
  Rully, Comtesse de
  Rumigny, M. de, aide-de-camp to Louis-Philippe

  Sabatini, Rafael
  Saint-Louis, Liquor of—see
  "Fowler's solution
  Sarrazin, Rosalie (Jegado victim)
  Sarzeau, Dr, his evidence re arsenic in Jegado case
  Seddon, poisoner
  Smith ("brides in the bath")
  Somerset, Countess of—see Howard, Frances
  Somerset, Earl of—see Carr, Robert
  Spara, Hieronyma
  Spiders, great—see Poisons
  Strychnine—see Poisons
  Suffolk, Countess of
  Suffolk, Earl of—see Howard, Thomas

  Tessier, Rose (Jegado victim)
  Toffana, poisoner
  Turner, Anne; as beauty specialist; her lover; relations with
  Countess of Essex; a spy for Northampton (?); causes poisoned food
  to be carried to Overbury in the Tower; arrest; trial; condemnation
  and execution
  Turner, Dr George

  Vigoureux, La
  Voisin, La

  Wade, Sir Willlam
  Wainewright, poisoner
  Walpole, Horace
  Warriston, Lady—see Livingstone, Jean
  Webster, Kate
  Weir, Robert
  Weissmann-Bessarabo, Mme
  Weissmann-Bessarabo, Paule Jacques
  Weldon, Antony
  Wheel,Breaking on the
  Winchilsea, Earl of

  Zwanziger, Anna

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg