Pike County Ballads and Other Poems


  When April woke the drowsy flowers,
    And vagrant odours thronged the breeze,
  And bluebirds wrangled in the bowers,
    And daisies flashed along the leas,
  And faint arbutus strove among
    Dead winter's leaf-strewn wreck to rise,
  And nature's sweetly jubilant song
    Went murmuring up the sunny skies,
  Into this cheerful world you came,
  And gained by right your vernal name.

  I think the springs have changed of late,
    For "Arctics" are my daily wear,
  The skies are turned to cold grey slate,
    And zephyrs are but draughts of air;
  But you make up whate'er we lack,
    When we, too rarely, come together,
  More potent than the almanac,
    You bring the ideal April weather;
  When you are with us we defy
  The blustering air, the lowering sky;
  In spite of winter's icy darts,
  We've spring and sunshine in our hearts.

  In fine, upon this April day,
    This deep conundrum I will bring:
  Tell me the two good reasons, pray,
    I have, to say you are like spring?

  [You give it up?]  Because we love you—
    And see so very little of you.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg