Pinocchio in Africa


The show had begun. The director was explaining to the people the wonders of his menagerie.

“Ladies and gentlemen, observe the beauty and the wildness of all these animals, which I have brought from Central Africa. Here they are, inclosed in these many cages, but hidden from your view. Why are they hidden? Because, ladies and gentlemen, you would be frightened at the sight of them, and your peace and health greatly concern me. The first animal which I have the pleasure to present to you is the elephant. Observe, ladies and gentlemen, that small affair which hangs under his nose. With that he builds houses, tills the soil, writes letters, carries trunks, and picks flowers. You can see that the animal was painted from life and placed in this beautiful frame.”

The people began to look at one another.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, let us go on to the next one.”

A roar of laughter and jeers arose on all sides. The director saw the unfortunate state of things and began to shout: “Have respect, ladies, for the poor sick monkey I told you of. At this moment she is pressing to her breast for the last time her friendless child.”

But not even this was sufficient to calm the crowd, which presently became an infuriated mob. Men and women rushed about the tent, making fierce gestures and heaping abuse upon the director. What an uproar!

In the cage where Pinocchio was, there was no confusion, and the conversation between the marionette and the wild beasts went on without stopping.

“When do you leave for Africa?” Pinocchio was asked.

“Have I not told you? To-morrow morning at daybreak, even if it rains.”

“Excellent! But you must carry with you several things which you may need.”

“And those are—?”

“First of all you will need plenty of money.”

“That is not lacking,” said Pinocchio in his usual airy way.

“Good! Then you should get a rifle.”

“What for?”

“To defend yourself against the wild animals.”

“Come, come! You don’t want me to believe that! I have seen what the wild animals of Africa are!”

“Be careful, marionette. Take a good rifle with you, for one never knows what will happen in Africa.”

“But I do not know how to load one.”

“Well, then, stay at home. It is folly for you to begin such an undertaking without arms and without knowing how to use them.”

“It is you who are foolish. Do not make me angry. When I have decided upon a thing no one can stop me from carrying it out.”

“Take care, marionette; you may be sorry.”

“Nevertheless I shall go.”

“You may find things very unpleasant.”

“It is for that very reason that I am going.”

“You may never return.”

“The good Fairy will protect me.”

“Who is the Fairy?”

“How many things you want to know! If you are in need of nothing else, I will bid you all good-by!”

“Farewell, marionette.”

“Till we meet again.”

“Good-by, blockhead.”

“Don’t be rude! said Pinocchio, greatly vexed, and out he went.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg