Friends and Neighbors; Or, Two Ways of Living in the World


     DESPAIR not of the better part
       That lies in human kind—
     A gleam of light still flickereth
       In e'en the darkest mind;
     The savage with his club of war,
       The sage so mild and good,
     Are linked in firm, eternal bonds
       Of common brotherhood.
     Despair not! Oh despair not, then,
       For through this world so wide,
     No nature is so demon-like,
       But there's an angel side.

     The huge rough stones from out the mine,
       Unsightly and unfair,
     Have veins of purest metal hid
       Beneath the surface there;
     Few rocks so bare but to their heights
       Some tiny moss-plant clings,
     And round the peaks, so desolate,
       The sea-bird sits and sings.
     Believe me, too, that rugged souls,
       Beneath their rudeness hide
     Much that is beautiful and good—
       We've all our angel side.

     In all there is an inner depth—
       A far off, secret way,
     Where, through dim windows of the soul,
       God sends His smiling ray;
     In every human heart there is
       A faithful sounding chord,
     That may be struck, unknown to us,
       By some sweet loving word;
     The wayward heart in vain may try
       Its softer thoughts to hide,
     Some unexpected tone reveals
       It has its angel side.

     Despised, and low, and trodden down,
       Dark with the shade of sin:
     Deciphering not those halo lights
       Which God hath lit within;
     Groping about in utmost night,
       Poor prisoned souls there are,
     Who guess not what life's meaning is,
       Nor dream of heaven afar;
     Oh! that some gentle hand of love
       Their stumbling steps would guide,
     And show them that, amidst it all,
       Life has its angel side.

     Brutal, and mean, and dark enough,
       God knows, some natures are,
     But He, compassionate, comes near—
       And shall we stand afar?
     Our cruse of oil will not grow less,
       If shared with hearty hand,
     And words of peace and looks of love
       Few natures can withstand.
     Love is the mighty conqueror—
       Love is the beauteous guide—
     Love, with her beaming eye, can see
       We've all our angel side.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg