Kansas Women in Literature


Jessie Wright Whitcomb, a Topeka writer of juvenile books is a lawyer in active practice with her husband, Judge George H. Whitcomb and a mother of a remarkable family of five boys and one girl. The oldest son gained his A. B. in 1910 at the age of eighteen; in 1911 was appointed Rhodes scholar for Kansas; and is now a student at Oxford. His father and mother are in England at present visiting him.

Mrs. Whitcomb is a contributor to the magazines and in addition, has written "Odd Little Lass," "Freshman and Senior," "Majorbanks," "His Best Friend," "Pen's Venture," "Queer As She Could Be," and "Curly Head."

She is a graduate of the University of Vermont and the Boston University Law School and was the first woman to lecture before a man's law school.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg