The Pedler of Dust Sticks



Airy, lovely, heavenly thing!
Butterfly with quivering wing!
Hovering, in thy transient hour,
Over every bush and flower,
Feasting upon flowers and dew,
Thyself a brilliant blossom too.

Who, with rosy fingers fine,
Purpled o'er those wings of thine?
Was it some sylph whose tender care
Spangled thy robes so fine and fair,
And wove them of the morning air?
I feel thy little throbbing heart.
Thou fear'st, e'en now, death's bitter smart

Fly little spirit, fly away!
Be free and joyful, thy short day!
Image, thou dost seem to me,
Of that which I may, one day, be,
When I shall drop this robe of earth,
And wake into a spirit's birth.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg