Music, and Other Poems


     Out of the garden of playtime, out of the bower of rest,
     Fain would I follow at daytime, music that calls to a quest.
         Hark, how the galloping measure
         Quickens the pulses of pleasure;
           Gaily saluting the morn
     With the long clear note of the hunting-horn
         Echoing up from the valley,
           Over the mountain side,—
         Rally, you hunters, rally,
           Rally, and ride!

     Drink of the magical potion music has mixed with her wine,
     Full of the madness of motion, joyful, exultant, divine!
         Leave all your troubles behind you,
         Ride where they never can find you,
           Into the gladness of morn,
     With the long, clear note of the hunting-horn,
           Swiftly o'er hillock and hollow,
             Sweeping along with the wind,—
           Follow, you hunters, follow,
             Follow and find!

     What will you reach with your riding?  What is the charm of the chase?
     Just the delight and the striding swing of the jubilant pace.
           Danger is sweet when you front her,—
           In at the death, every hunter!
           Now on the breeze the mort is borne
     In the long, clear note of the hunting-horn,
           Winding merrily, over and over,—
             Come, come, come!
           Home again, Ranger! home again, Rover!
             Turn again, home!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg