The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman

When He Comes

     "When He comes!
      My sweetest 'When'!"
                         C. ROSSETTI.

     Thus may it be (I thought) at some
          day's close,
     Some lilac-haunted eve, when every rose
     Breathes forth its incense. May He find
          me there,
     In holy leisure, lifting hands of prayer,
     In some sweet garden place,
     To catch the first dear wonder of His Face!

     Or, in my room above,
     In silent meditation of His love,
       My soul illumined with a rapture rare.
     It would be sweet, if even then, these eyes
     Might glimpse Him coming in the East-
          ern skies,
       And be caught up to meet Him in the

     But now! Ah, now, the days
     Rush by their hurrying ways!
     No longer know I vague imaginings,
     For every hour has wings.
     Yet my heart watches . . . as I work I
     All simply, to Him: "Come! And if to-day,
     Then wilt Thou find me thus: just as I
     Tending my household; stirring goose-
          berry jam;
     Or swiftly rinsing tiny vests and hose,
     With puzzled forehead patching some one's
     Guiding small footsteps, swift to hear, and
     From early dawn till setting of the sun."

     Yes, all the gladlier that He found me so.

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg