The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman

The Reason

        "Why shouldest Thou be as a wayfaring man, that
     turneth aside to tarry for a night?"—Jer. xiv. 8.

     Nay, do not get the venison pasty
     I shall not greatly put myself about
     Hungry, he may be; yes, and we shall
     Some bread and cheese, 'tis truly whole-
          some fare.
     We have to-morrow's dinner still to find;
     It's well for you I have a frugal mind.

     Not the best bed! No, no. Whatever
     Why with such questionings should I be
     The man is naught to us; why should
          we care?
     The little attic room will do; 'tis bare,
     But he'll be gone before to-morrow's light;
     He has but come to tarry for a night.

     I shall not speak with him. Oh, no, not I,
     Lest I should pity overmuch, or buy
     Some paltry ware of his. Nay, I'll to
     And he can sup alone, well warmed and
     'Tis much to take him in a night like this.
     Why should I fret me with concerns of

     Grey morning came, and at the break of
     The Man rose up and went upon his way

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg