The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman

The Long View

     Some day of days! Some dawning
         yet to be
     I shall be clothed with immortality!

     And, in that day, I shall not greatly care
     That Jane spilt candle grease upon the

     It will not grieve me then, as once it did,
     That careless hands have chipped my
         teapot lid.

     I groan, being burdened. But, in that
         glad day,
     I shall forget vexations of the way.

     That needs were often great, when means
         were small,
     Will not perplex me any more at all
     A few short years at most (it may be less),
     I shall have done with earthly storm and

     So, for this day, I lay me at Thy feet.
     O, keep me sweet, my Master! Keep
         me sweet!

All books are sourced from Project Gutenberg