The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Volume 1


                     March 13, 1881.

     As one who feels the breathless nightmare grip
     His heart-strings, and through visioned horrors fares,
     Now on a thin-ledged chasm's rock-crumbling lip,
     Now on a tottering pinnacle that dare
     The front of heaven, while always unawares
     Weird monsters start above, around, beneath,
     Each glaring from some uglier mask of death,
     So the White Czar imperial progress made
     Through terror-haunted days.  A shock, a cry
     Whose echoes ring the globe—the spectre's laid.
     Hurled o'er the abyss, see the crowned martyr lie
     Resting in peace—fear, change, and death gone by.
     Fit end for nightmare—mist of blood and tears,
     Red climax to the slow, abortive years.
     The world draws breath—one long, deep-shuddering sigh,
     At that which dullest brain prefigured clear
     As swift-sure bolt from thunder-threatening sky.
     How heaven-anointed humblest lots appear
     Beside his glittering eminence of fear;
     His spiked crown, sackcloth purple, poisoned cates,
     His golden palace honey-combed with hates.
     Well is it done!  A most heroic plan,
     Which after myriad plots succeeds at last
     In robbing of his life this poor old man,
     Whose sole offense—his birthright—has but passed
     To fresher blood, with younger strength recast.
     What men are these, who, clamoring to be free,
     Would bestialize the world to what they be?
     Whose sons are they who made the snow-wreathed head
     Their frenzy's target?  In their Russian veins,
     What alien current urged on to smite him dead,
     Whose word had loosed a million Russian chains?
     What brutes were they for whom such speechless pains,
     So royally endured, no human thrill
     Awoke, in hearts drunk with the lust to kill?
     Not brutes!  No tiger of the wilderness,
     No jackal of the jungle, bears such brand
     As man's black heart, who shrinks not to confess
     The desperate deed of his deliberate hand.
     Our kind, our kin, have done this thing.  We stand
     Bowed earthward, red with shame, to see such wrong
     Prorogue Love's cause and Truth's—God knows how long!

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